Beauty and the Beast Wiki
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please respect all views and all perspectives. This wikia is meant for a better understanding of the show, and for a strong, friendly community. Hateful or vulgar posts against someone or something can and will be removed by the Admins. Thank you for reading this notice; please spread the word, and keep it nice. This Wikia contains major spoilers, either from the show, or book series, or both, they are no way censored.

CAUTION: This wikia contains spoilers from the Beauty and the Beast series.

Monsieur et Madame Bete
Season Four
A Classic Tale Comes to Life.
Fan fiction

Monsieur et Madame Bete

Read about the fourth season's upcoming episode.

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Season Four

What happens next?

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A Classic Tale Comes to Life.

Read up about the show.

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Fan fiction

Monsieur et Madame Bete
Season Four
A Classic Tale Comes to Life.
Fan fiction
Featured article


You are my best friend.
Tess to Catherine.

Tess Vargas is an NYPD homicide police captain, former partner and friend of Catherine Chandler. She has a reputation for being smart and tough...

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Featured episode

BB311a 0041b

Unbreakable is the 11th episode of season three. Vincent (Jay Ryan) agrees to help Liam (guest star Jason Gedrick) on a mission to retrieve evidence that could expose them both. Meanwhile, a suspicious Cat (Kristin Kreuk) discovers something about Liam’s family history...

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Featured video

Beauty and the Beast Monsieur et Madame Bete Scene The CW

Preview of Monsieur et Madame Bete.
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Welcome to the Beauty and the Beast Wiki!

The Beauty and the Beast Wiki is a free, public and collaborative project for all, to help create a definitive encyclopedia for the television show Beauty and the Beast.
The Beauty and the Beast is not affiliated with CW or CBS Studios. All trademarks, copyrights and/or legal ownership of items are property of their respective owners. This wiki is a fun, informative guide to all Beauty and the Beast fans to use as they see fit.
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Au Revoir airs in......
September 15, 2016 20:00:00 EST This message will be displayed if the timer does not show up (if you do not have javascript enabled on your browser)

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September 8, 2016
No Way Out
September 15, 2016
Au Revoir

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Edi Gathegi Joins Cast Of CW Drama 'Beauty And The Beast' As Top-Secret Agent w/ Skills - Blavity News - - 2023/09/19 07:00

Edi Gathegi Joins Cast Of CW Drama 'Beauty And The Beast' As Top-Secret Agent w/ Skills  Blavity News...

Kristin Kreuk Cast in CW's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Series - CBM (Comic Book Movie) - - 2023/01/12 10:45

Kristin Kreuk Cast in CW's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Series  CBM (Comic Book Movie)...

Beauty And The Beast: 10 Best On-Screen Adaptations, Ranked By IMDb - Screen Rant - - 2021/12/01 08:00

Beauty And The Beast: 10 Best On-Screen Adaptations, Ranked By IMDb  Screen Rant...

The CW’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Leaving Netflix in September 2021 - What's on Netflix - - 2021/08/21 07:00

The CW’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Leaving Netflix in September 2021  What's on Netflix...

Beauty and the Beast - Where to Watch and Stream - TV Guide - - 2021/01/16 22:14

Beauty and the Beast - Where to Watch and Stream  TV Guide...
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Vincent Keller
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